Sunday 23 October 2016

My reasons for starting the SCD Diet

Welcome to SCDalive.

I decided to start a blog on my journey with the SCD diet. I first started the diet 2.5 years ago when i was diagnosed with Crohns.
At my follow up appointment, where i was given the diagnosis, i was told here's a website, go look on there and it will give you the answers to any questions you may have and by the way you will be on medication for the rest of your life. With that i got sent home with the news i had Crohns and a stricture in my small intestine.
Well i did look on the said website and that's when i decided that medication wasn't the road that  i wanted  to go down. However, i must add, some people have more severe symptoms than i had so medication may be necessary.
After browsing through what felt like hundreds of websites i found the SCD diet. It was full of people who had been able to keep their IBD in remission for many years just by following the diet. I bought the book 'Breaking the Vicious Circle - The Specific Carbohydrate Diet'and read it cover to cover. A MUST.
Within weeks i felt so much better. BM's were normal, my energy levels rose dramatically, my skin improved and the odd burning sensation i would get in my stomach disappeared. The most important thing for me was not having to worry about being close to a bathroom every time i left the house.
I stuck to the SCD diet for just over a year and then i started to get a little foolhardy. One illegal food led to another..... until i was eating more junk than real food. 
In September 2015 it was discovered that my stricture had narrowed to the point it was in danger of blocking. Despite my reservations of having surgery, i agreed and had the stricture removed. After surgery i started out eating healthier, although not strictly SCD, but have recently got back into old habits. 
It was only when a good friend bluntly pointed out 'you are always tired, your anaemic, your stomach isn't great, do you really want more surgery?, that i woke up to the realization that i was going to sabotage any chance of remaining well. That was three days ago.

I am now back on the SCD diet  and ready to feel great again.